Check out Wild Mountain Designs' newest t-shirt. It is simple and pure... the Chinese / Japanese character for Friendship. I am appalled & disgusted at the increase in racist attacks that have been brought to light over the past year... from the senseless violence and killing of George Floyd, to the mistreatment of our Indigenous brothers and sisters in residential schools and the most recent offences being commited against the Asian community. Is this where we're at? Are you still judging people by their color, race or religion? Wake the heck up people... we are better than this and I for one will tolerate it no more! Let it be known that I will stand up for injustice and do what is right. I will make a difference! You can to... and if you want, you can buy this shirt and make a statement by saying I am your friend. Do the right thing... be better and wear Wild Mountain Designs.
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